So....I know I know. I "promised" in my first post that I was going to keep up with my posts at least weekly if not more regularly. Well...yeah right. That hasn't happened. Obviously. I just haven't been taking the time to keep track I guess.
Well, tonight I've been up a little later than I should, and have been drinking...a little more than I should...sooooo....I decided I'm going to take up blogging again. Mostly because I am awful at keeping up with all the baby books and I need some way to remind myself of all the amazing things my daughter is doing and learning. But also as a way to rant and rave, vent and basically communicate all that I am going through at this particular time.
I have a couple of mommy friends who have blogs. And, I must say that I am jealous of their blogs. Because they make me laugh and feel and think--and stay up too too late catching up when I haven't read them in a while :-) I want to have that for myself. I'd really like for someone, friends or strangers, to read my blog and feel like they can't stop reading its the most interesting thing in the world. lol its not very likely but I can hope right?
Anyways, I'm going to keep this short because a) I'm a little buzzed from the beer/wine mix lol b) i have no idea what I'm going to right about on a daily/weekly/monthly basis.
Syd is talking. She has ALOT of new words...and though I'm not going to list them right now...i probably couldn't if I tried...I am AMAZED by everything she is learning. We probably watch too much TV right now, but I truly believe she is learning things everyday...both from me and from the shows she positively INSISTS on watching everyday [mama! beats! beats! (fresh beat band for those of you who don't know :-P) "Dough Dough! (dora)!]
My daughter is a brilliant, beautiful, sweet, enigmatic, rambunctious and slightly crazy toddler these days. Every day is a new experience and a new trial and tribulation. Welcome to my world. Hope you enjoy it....if I can remember to keep up with this blog :-P