I'm gonna start by apologizing for not being more diligent in keeping up with my blog posts. But guess what? I'm growing a little person on the inside AND running after a little person on the outside, so I'm cutting myself a little slack :-P
As of today I am 13 weeks and 3 days pregnant. That means I'm just a handful of days away from the magic 14 week mark. Why is it magic? Because almost everyone I know or everything I've read has said something about not experiencing morning (all day) sickness once you hit the 14 week mark. Now I have also heard 16 weeks, and also *gasp* and GOD FORBID some people have morning sickness throughout the ENTIRE pregnancy! Now I am not one to pray, but PLEASE GOD LET 14 WEEKS BE THE MAGIC STOPPING POINT! *please*
I will say though I have been starting to feel better. A few things that let me know I must be feeling better:
a) I cooked dinner tonight! lol i know it doesn't sound like much, and if you heard what I cooked (it was delicious) and how long it took me to throw together (literally) you may not think it was that big a deal, but trust me when I say Chris was excited. Especially since I haven't cooked since about week 5 :-P
b) although I still feel a little queasy in the evenings it is absolutely nothing compared to the all day misery of past weeks and my food aversions haven't been as bad. I have been able to eat eggs (which i haven't wanted to even look at for the past 6 weeks or so), veggies, and a bit more meat...and i haven't just wanted pizza and/or mcdonald's all day long :-P
c) just opening the fridge doesn't make me gag anymore
d) well...i'm sure there are other signs i'm feeling better but pregnancy brain has gotten the better of me and well....i can't think of anything else.
On other notes, my nurse gave me a call today with results from all the blood tests I took on May 31st. Since I haven't blogged since a good deal before then, let me catch you up. Chris and I decided (after talking to the Dr. and nurse and ultrasound office) that since all the prenatal screening tests were covered by our insurance it would be a good idea to go ahead and do them. Getting blood drawn is no big deal for me and if it helps to detect anything crazy that we should be prepared for than what's the big deal. Now I will also say this: the prenatal screenings are to detect the possibility of having a child with down syndrome, cystic fibrosis, spinal muscular atrophy and fragile x syndrome. I don't know everything about this, but most of these are genetic and as far as I know neither Chris nor I have any family history of any of this. AND these blood tests can only give you a probability AND I have read that the down syndrome test can have a very high false positive rate. AND there really isn't anything you can do about it if it tests positive except to take more invasive tests to find out a little more definitely. A positive test would not change anything about this pregnancy except to make us more aware if there is a problem. ANYWAYS, the first screen (to test for down syndrome) is a 2 part test in which they take blood and also perform an ultrasound. So I scheduled the ultrasound for May 31, and afterwards went to get all the blood work done for ALL of the prenatal screenings. BTW, the ultrasound was amazing and the Dr. said everything looked normal. I was at 12 weeks and everything was measuring right on the dot. Little Baby was even fist pumping in there, like he or she was glad of the attention :-) lol
Fast forward to today when I got the call from the nurse about the results and...duh duh duh...everything came back NEGATIVE! so YAY good news! no problems there!
I go back to see the OB tomorrow. So we'll be able to discuss the results, I will probably get to hear the heartbeat *sigh* and weigh in so my dr. can tell me how gross I am for gaining like 7 lbs in my first trimester :-P I don't think I have any other questions or concerns for her. Aside from this damn morning (all day) sickness its been pretty normal.
I now have a little baby bump :-) so I don't just look like a fat cow...you can actually tell I'm pregnant. I've been wearing maternity clothes for a week or 2 now (because its more comfortable and I think shows off my bump so people don't just assume I'm fat) I've been trying to stick to the working out thing and so far, so good. I mean there were a couple of weeks that I didn't go as diligently as I wanted, but I felt like shit so that's my excuse :-P Even though everything I read says "oh yeah, working out is awesome. you should workout everyday while pregnant because it keeps the morning sickness away and gives you so much more energy and makes you feel great!" BULLSHIT! lol i mean i feel better when I work out because I'm proud of myself for doing it (since I didn't at all with Syd :-P) but I still feel like tossing my cookies and sleeping for the next 20 something weeks straight whether or not I work out. Prime example was today. Although I have been feeling better, today's Zumba class was almost the death of me. There were about 500 bajillion people in this one room and everybody is working their tail off and sweating and breathing hard (can you imagine what that smelled like?!?!?!) and after about 35-40 mins I just couldn't handle it anymore and had to bolt. Well at least I got a good 30 min workout out of it right? lol
Anyways, I guess that's about it for my preggers update. I'm doing fairly well, Baby is doing very well, Sydney is a crazy mess as usual but doing well (I'll write an update on her soon...but not tonight) Everything's great! (as long as I'm not feeling like puking anymore)
I'll let you know once I hit the magic 14 whether or not its true. Keep your fingers crossed for me. Eventhough I'm feeling a little better, I can't take this queasiness anymore :-P