Sydney is in love with babies! If she sees a picture of a baby or a baby out in public she says "Look a BABY!" in this delighted little voice that always makes me smile. She is practically obsessed with all of our friends' babies to the point where she gets right in the baby's face, says"Hey BABY!" and babbles some incoherent baby talk and either tries to tickle them or play with them in some way to make them smile/laugh. I'm always a little concerned she may play rough, but my other mommy friends always assure me she's fine (babies can be much more durable than you think...and Sydney can be alot more gentle than i expect :-P)
She is also in love with Baby Brother (no he still doesn't have a name) and it makes my heart melt. For now I am almost 100% sure she is going to be a fantastic Big Sister. I say almost 100% because although she is very loving to him now that he is in my stomach (and she loves babies) I can't be sure how she will react to a baby that stays forever and doesn't go to a different home after a few hours. But for now I can't get enough of her little arms wrapping around my giant belly and hearing her voice "I lub you Baby Brudder!" then kissing my belly. Or when she lays her head against my belly and asks if he is awake. Or when she tries to feed him some of her dinner or feed him her pretend cake from her very own kitchen. Or when we are in the bathtub--yes Syd and I take baths together (it is just too hard to bathe her with my huge 35 week belly in the way so to make it easier for everyone we jump in the tub together)--and she lays her head on my belly and asks if we can sing to baby brudder. And yes we do sing to baby brother in the least three songs or we have a temper tantrum (and it's always the same 3 songs with Row, Row, Row Your Boat or Twinkle Twinkle Little Star thrown in for a little variety :-\)
Just a couple of days ago Baby Brother was rockin and rolling in my tummy, moving all over the place and I told Sydney to hurry up and come over so she could feel him kick. She has felt him move a handful of times before but she usually gets pretty impatient when he goes dormant again and isn't moving as much as she would like. It's usually the way it works--whenever he starts moving I call Syd or Chris over to feel and the second they touch me he STOPS (he's already proving to be a bit of a booger :-P) This particular time he was pretty rambunctious and didn't stop moving when Syd came over. She held her hand to my tummy and after she felt him, she got this HUGE grin on her face and practically screamed "He kicked my hand! Baby Brudder kicked my hand!" I'm pretty sure it was the cutest thing that I have ever experienced in my life :-)
So, Syd swears she is going to help change diapers, feed baby, read him stories and sing him songs. I really want to believe she will do these things, and for right now I'm pretty sure she is going to be an amazing help. However, I also KNOW she is a strong-willed and extremely independent little so and so, therefore I know there will be good and bad days to come. However I am confident Syd will be an amzing big sister for the most part, and absolutely, positively can't wait to see how they interact with each other--once he's born and as they continue to grow together. It really is an exciting time :-)