Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My first Blog

Okay so here we go. I think I'm a little late in starting this blog since my daughter is almost 10 months old--but better late than never right? Its funny to me that I never thought to do this until now. What took me so long? Maybe I was just lazy or thought I never really had the time. I mean its pretty much a full time job just running around after my little munchkin, but its also so important to have some way of documenting my life as a mom. I guess I've just never been good at keeping a diary or journal--I'm just not consistent enough--but I feel like now is as good a time as any.

I remember a time before when I wanted to write. Like professionally write. But I could never keep myself motivated enough, or inspired enough to start (or finish) anything. I love the written word. I consider myself to be a good speaker, but I definitely think I am much better at portraying my thoughts and emotions through the written word. I can think about what I want to say and know exacly how I want to say it, but once the words leave my lips they sometimes get all jumbled and I don't get it out exactly right. When I write its almost like magic--exactly what I mean or what I think, exactly how I want to say it.

Anyhow, here goes. I am making myself a promise. Right now, today, I am promising myself I will stick to this blog. I will document my thoughts, my feelings, my everyday doings, whether extraordinary or mediocre, things I learn, things I teach, and how much and how fast my daughter and my life is growing. I can't promise how often I will post although I am going to try to post once a week. This is it. This I WILL stick with. And I hope for any of you out there who actually decide to read this I won't get too boring.

I think that's it for today. The little booger has arisen and must be tended to. Its too pretty out to stay inside and we have a date at the park to uphold. Until next time!

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