Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Potty Training Little Miss Independent

So its been a while since my last blog and there is a LOT of catching up to do. I'm just so darn TIRED all the time, by the time I get a chance to get online (on the actual computer and not just my phone) I have little desire to type anything but google searches and status updates. lol

There is plenty to update on--my pregnancy, potty training a toddler, terrible two's, life in general--but for this blog I am going to try to stick with one topic and focus on our lovely attempts at potty training for the past month
*DISCLAIMER* IF YOU DON'T WANT TO HEAR ABOUT THE INNER WORKINGS OF POTTY TRAINING A TODDLER, PLEASE DISCONTINUE READING NOW. :-) (although it can be a little entertaining...if you aren't the one wiping up the pee drops and poopie bottoms)

On July 6 (a Wednesday--and no I don't have amazing memory...i posted it on Facebook so it will be forever immortalized on the internet :-P) Syd woke up and decided it was the day for NO MORE DIAPERS! "panties please!" she said to me as I was changing her diaper after she woke up for the day. Okey dokey then! No more diapers it was. This started the first day of what myself and other mommy friends may refer to as potty training boot camp. For those unfamiliar with the term, its basically supposed to be a 3 day "program" where you let the kiddo go bottomless all day long in hopes that they will make it to the potty when they feel the need rather than messing on themselves. It can be a hard and messy job but supposedly works wonders. Sydney took to it marvelously. We have a potty seat (Dora of course!) but she insists most of the time that she wants to sit on the big potty. The first day there was I think only one or 2 accidents and she pooped on the potty all by herself. As long as she was bare bottomed she made it to the potty when she needed to, would even go by herself, without being prompted and without me having to take her (she of course still needed me to help her wipe, although she would much rather do it on her own) After about 3-4 days she was pottying pretty much on her own, pretty regularly with little to no accidents. We could even go out in public, as long as it was somewhere with a potty and as long as I was with her (we had to stay away from the gym for a week or so since they are not required to assist with potty training or taking kiddos to the potty)

All in all I was really impressed with how well she was doing with the whole potty training bit. We used mini m&m's as treats if she went to the potty (1 for pee pee and 2 for poo poo) but she never really needed them and I usually only gave them to her if she asked for it. "I poo poo! Treat MAMA?!" Again I'll say as long as she was bare bottomed she had almost no accidents. If I put her in panties or in a pull-up she would almost ALWAYS potty in them...I guess they were just too similar to diapers. I realized that her panties were just a little too tight and it was hard for her to get them on and off, so once we got some bigger panties, she could wear them with no accidents. Most of the time though, she is just in shorts or pants (unless she specifically requests panties or she's in a dress). If we go out in public like to a park or the store, I make sure she uses the potty before we leave and once we get there and she does great. If we go to the gym I have to put a pull-up on her because I know she can't go there by herself yet and I don't want an accident. Usually when I get her we go potty and the pull-up is dry, but we have had one or 2 instances that she pooped in her pull-up while I was working out. Not fun at all, I promise you :-P

So, anyways, potty training was going wonderfully...until last Friday. I'm not sure what changed, or what happened. Maybe the novelty of using the potty like a big girl wore off, or maybe she is just TOO BUSY to remember to go potty, but since Friday we've been having potty issues. She had an accident at a playdate at a mommy friend's house that Friday morning (thank GOD it was on the hardwood and not the carpet :-/ I chalked it up to just having too much fun and not thinking about the potty. Then that afternoon she had 2 pee pee accidents and one time she pooped on the floor. After her accidents she would always go and sit on the potty to "finish" but I couldn't figure out what was different and why she was having the accidents to begin with.
I tried really hard not to get upset with her because I know that can cause setbacks, but I'm a hormonal and emotional wreck these days so it has been hard. I think at one point it crossed my mind that she was doing it deliberately just to spite me (OF COURSE that's NOT TRUE, but again I say i'm crazy pregnant hormone woman these days...)

Needless to say its been a tough few days. Potty training has been a battle! If we are at home, I've taken to asking her to go potty every 30 mins to an hour (which I think drives her nuts because she HATES it and always yells NO POTTY MAMA! whenever I tell her to go to the potty) If I ask her if she needs to go the answer is always no. Then a few minutes later she has an accident in her pants (or on the floor if she has already had an accident and she hasn't allowed me to put more panties/pants on her) then goes to finish on the potty. I still try to take her out in public without a pull-up (unless at the gym) and she tends to do really well outside of the house. I've even tried going back to using the treats but it only works a handful of times. I can't force her to go to the potty because it just turns into a fight, but I'm at a total loss for what to do. I mean I don't want to just give up on it, but its just become Crazy Town over here when it comes to going potty. I will say it is NOT 100% of the time a battle...there are a few times when she will go when I ask and THANK THE GOOD LORD she still does wonderfully for poo-poo (no poops on the floor since that friday :-P) Sometimes I just wish I could snap my fingers or wave a magic wand and she will be fully potty trained. I'm guessing this setback is just par for the course. Chris says she's just 2 years old. Accidents will happen. But its hard to keep that in mind when she was doing so well before. Does everyone have these issues with potty training kiddos?!?!?! It can't just be me and Syd right? lol

Well, that's about it for now. I will keep you posted about our potty adventures in the future. Hopefully everything will work out in the end :-)

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