I apologize in advance if this is a little crude and disgusting. You don't have to read it :-) but it made me giggle writing it :-) oh and I know I already wrote 2 other posts today...can you tell i'm bored and there is nothing on tv? why am i not in bed? who freaking knows!
So, from what I've read and what my dr. has said, you can start feeling baby move right around 18 weeks. Some say its like a flutter, like butterflies, or like gas bubbles. Hmm...interesting. Because, aren't pregnant women unnaturally gassy? I mean right? When you are pregnant, you fart, ALOT. And are gassy...alot. Ok well, maybe I shouldn't generalize and say "you" as in all pregnant women because maybe its not ALL of us. So let me ammend... I am ridiculously gassy and flatulent (sp?) And I know there is a real reason for this...i read about it i swear....but don't ask me to tell you why. But anyways....how the HELL am I supposed to know if what I'm feeling is the baby twirling and spinning and punching and kicking, or that burger I had for lunch...or just a little bit of bubble gut? hmmm????
I guess some mommies will say you just know, and I'm sure that's true. But at 18 weeks I couldn't tell you the difference between a fart and baby acrobats...so sue me. Now, however, I am a couple of days past 20 weeks and am almost 100% positive (maybe about 98%) that I can feel baby move. It is like a flutter, and kind of like gas bubbles but not quite....because now I can pretty much tell if its baby doing somersaults (or whatever it is the baby is doing) or a rumblin in my tummy :-P
I can't really remember when I started to feel Sydney move, but I remember it was sometime after 28 weeks when I could push in on my belly and she would punch or kick back. It was the most amazing thing in the world. Totally beyond cool! She never really moved alot when Chris was around, so I think he only felt her a handful of times. But I absolutely can't wait until I can put my hand on my belly and really feel this baby bust a move :-) Then and only then do I think I'd be able to tell you that I'm 100% sure baby is moving around in there and its not just gassiness.
Ok so that's it for my posts tonight, i promise. I hope its not another month before I post again. I apologize again if i grossed anyone out. For any man reading this...its all a lie! women don't fart...EVER! For everyone else, you know what I'm talking about :-)
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