Sunday, April 17, 2011

Why am I SO FREAKIN TIRED....oh yeah THAT's why! :-P

So I'm only like 2 minutes pregnant and I'm already EXHAUSTED. I mean I was exhausted before I got pregnant because my daughter is CRAZY and doesn't understand that a good night's sleep really does make everyone happy--but this is ridonkulous! I don't remember being this tired when I was preggers with Syd...but that is probably due to the fact that I was still working full time and chalked up the exhaustion to that instead of growing a little person inside my body. I have also been moodier than all get out...which can also be attributed to the whole growing a person thing...and Chris can definitely attest to the moodiness. I feel awful because usually...maybe...well most of the time...ok i mean some of the time...i am relatively tolerant with the happenings in my household but for about the last oh shall we say week or so I have been on EDGE about EVERY LITTLE THING that is done wrong, misplaced, left out, messed up, dirty, etc etc. You get my point. I also find that my passive aggressive nature (which drives Chris NUTS) has come to the forefront once again because instead of starting with "Hey hun could you please fix/do/change/bathe etc" I mumble under my breath something along the lines of "you would think a grown man could figure out how to use a sponge" or "is it that hard to figure out where the trash can is" or just (my personal fave) "REALLY? are you trying to piss me off or is it just second nature" to which Chris replies "huh? what did you say?" Oh nothing...just plotting your death secretly in my head and If I find one more half empty soda can or slice of onion inadvertantly dropped on the floor I'm going to rip out all your hair...then mine! See! Moody Moody Moody! Lucky for me and my sanity...and Chris's I'm sure, I can usually wrangle myself into a better mood or take a couple deep breaths and try to put it out of my mind. I can't be this bad for 9 months right? right?!? Also lucky for me I haven't experienced any morning sickness yet, although like I said before I am only 2 minutes pregnant and that can sometimes take till week 7 to hit full on (ok i'm really like 5 or 6 weeks preggo so it could be coming any minute) I was never really sick with Syd either so *fingers crossed* i'll be ok for this one too. Sydney has been her typical rambunctious self. We have talked about mommy having a baby and when you ask her what is in mommy's belly she says VERY enthusiastically "BABY!" followed closely by "I TOUCH! I SEE!" and trying to take whatever pants I'm wearing off. its adorable but I really don't want to be naked from the bottom down so I hope she grows out of this soon. Also, she has been waking up a couple of times during the night (not helping with the whole exhaustion thing) but as long as we go in there right away she goes right back to sleep no problem. The biggest issue I have personally been having with Sydney is that I'm so moody and don't always (this is going to sound bad :-( so sorry) want her hanging all over me or want to play whatever it is she is dead set on playing. I feel awful and I try really hard to feign interest but it gets harder everyday. I love her soooooo sooooo sooooo much...and again this goes back to a previous post....i feel like such a bad mommy when I don't want her around, but its the truth about what I feel. I know I'm not a bad mommy and I know I spend alot of time with her and she is sooooooo super smart and learning, doing and saying more and more everyday but I just can't help feeling that way sometimes. Anyways, off my chest and out in the open makes me feel a little better. Maybe its just the hormones getting the best of me. Damn estrogen! :-P This post is getting way to long. Looks like I have a bad habit about once I get started I kindof can't stop. Gonna go to bed for now. Will try to write again soon :-)

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